What you should know about Periodontology

The periodontium (gums, bone cavity and ligaments) are the tissues that ensure the health of the teeth, the basis of their good condition. In Studio Baldinucci you will find all types of periodontal treatment. We also perform an aesthetic procedure – gum plastic. The expert hands of our doctors and their many years of experience in periodontology guarantee an excellent result.

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Types of gum disease

Gingivitis is the initial stage of gum disease. If you notice bleeding and swelling, or if the tissue at the base of the tooth has shortened and a groove has appeared, these are signs of the initial state of inflammation and you should urgently consult a doctor.

Periodontitis is the next stage in the development of gingivitis. If preventive measures are not taken in time, bacteria accumulate in the gums and destroy the tissue surrounding the tooth, gradually separating the gums and exposing the neck and roots. Periodontitis is a chronic gum disease in which the neck and root of the tooth become exposed. The distance between the teeth often changes, the color of the enamel deteriorates, sensitivity to cold and hot foods increases, the teeth move. In extreme cases, periodontitis leads to tooth loss.

Treatment of gum disease

Treatment of gum disease begins with a deep hygienic cleaning of the oral cavity. The doctor removes plaque, tartar and microbial biofilm. In the early stages of the disease, anti-inflammatory therapy is prescribed in the form of antiseptic gels and rinses, which relieve swelling and inflammation.
Root planing may also be necessary. The procedure includes deep ultrasonic cleaning of the gum line and smoothing of the surface of the teeth, which reduces the likelihood of tartar formation. To eliminate discomfort during the procedure, local anesthesia is used.

If the patient is diagnosed with periodontitis, curettage is performed – that is, the smoothing of pathogenic bacterial deposits from the periodontal pocket. If necessary, the doctor ties the teeth and strengthens them to avoid possible loosening.

Treatment of periodontitis requires an integrated approach, the use of physiotherapy and surgical methods. An individual program is developed for each patient, according to the complexity of the situation and taking into account additional pathologies.

Prevention of gum disease

Oral hygiene plays a fundamental role in preventing gum disease. Thorough teeth cleaning twice a day, regular check-ups and thorough professional cleaning by the dentist.

Gingival smile

The gingival smile is considered an exclusively aesthetic defect, from the point of view of dental health it is not a pathology. An ideal smile is one in which only the teeth are visible or no more than 2-3 mm from the gums. But as statistics show, 10-15% of the world's people have a gummy smile. If you are one of them and are experiencing psychological distress, solve this problem at the Aesthetic Dental Center. Gum plastic is a simple operation. Using a laser, the dentist removes excess tissue from the surface of the tooth and reshapes the gum contour. The procedure is quick, painless and safe. One visit to the dentist and you can be proud of your smile.

It's never too late to smile

Why book a Appointment?

At the heart of our dental practice, guided by Dr. Baldinucci's experience and passion, we are committed to offering each of our patients a personalized path to oral health and a smile that lights up. With our in-depth knowledge and adoption of the most advanced technologies, we are here to listen, understand and satisfy your every dental need.

Your Smile is Our Priority

We believe that a bright and healthy smile can really make a difference in a person's life, improving self-esteem and quality of life. This is why we are dedicated to offering you the best dental care, so that you can experience the joy of an unmatched smile.

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